Shetland Sheepdog Sheltie (medium coat) : : Male : : Adult : : Small I would love you more than you can imagine.
Learn more about the Shetland Sheepdog Sheltie.
HONEYDEW IS BEING WITHDRAWN FROM ADOPTABLE DOGS WHILE HE IS HAVING SOME ADJUSTMENT ISSUES. HE IS IN THE LOVING ARMS OF HIS FOSTER MOM FOR NOW. THIS SHELTIE IS A PUPPY MILL SURVIVOR. IT WILL TAKE TIME AND PATIENCE FOR HIM TO BEHAVE LIKE A "REAL DOG." IF YOU DON'T HAVE THE TIME OR THE PATIENCE, PLEASE LOOK SOMEWHERE ELSE FOR A DOG. IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO LEARN MORE ABOUT UNDERSOCIALIZED DOGS AND HOW TO HELP THEM REHAB, YOU HAVE COME TO THE RIGHT PLACE. A COMPLETED APPLICATION OS OUR FIRST STEP TOWARD FOSTERING OR ADOPTING. YOU WILL FIND IT ON OUR WEBSITE AT If you are happy and you know must be Honeydew! Honeydew is a 3-year-old intact male sable and white Sheltie. (HE WILL BE NEUTERED VERY SOON. WE PAY FOR IT AND IT IS NOT UP FOR DISCUSSION.) In spite of him coming from a puppy mill, he is a cheerful little fellow. He is light-boned and dances when he walks. He does not walk far on a leash and needs slow encouragement not to be frightened. He eats like a champ and will even take a treat from my hand. He especially likes one of our volunteers and when Susan pulled into the driveway today, he got as brave as he could and walked right up to her. (If you heard celebrating, that is what that was about.) Honeydew is UTD on all his vaccines and is microchipped with a Home Again chip that will be activated when he finds his forever family. His bloodwork is fine and he is Heartworm negative. All of that is well and good, as they say. But you are looking at a long process of loving kindness to help this little dude be all he can be. Agility perhaps???? If you really understand all of this and are still on board....let's talk. More about HoneydewGood with Dogs, Good with Adults, Quiet, Requires a yard, Timid, Skittish, Affectionate, Eager To Please, Gentle, Goofy, Needs a companion animal Please begin the process for adoption by reading our Adoption Policies and, if we sound like the right group for you, fill out our online Adoption Application. From there, our receipt of your completed application will be confirmed by email. You then will receive a follow-up phone call if we feel you are a good potential applicant for the dog. Lots of good conversation with the foster family, a reference from your veterinarian, and a home visit round out the screening process. We take dog adoption very seriously. Please put a lot of thought into why you want to adopt a dog, and help us make a good match for your family. We appreciate your taking the time to visit with us. We will look forward to hearing from you as well. |