Animal Success Stories
Please visit our Success Stories page to read all of our stories!

Pippin wanted me to send you a quick hello to say he is having the time of his life as boss of this household! We both have become very comfortable with each other and very attached. 

He is friends with both cats now although the one still will only consent to touch noses now and then and sleep on the same bed! The other one and he are buds. He could care less about the turtle or squirrels which surprises me.

Pippin's favorite time is yoga with the ladies. He greets everyone with wagging tail then turns to me for his special bone and sits with us while we do our thing.  He is quite popular with the ladies.
Just wanted you to know that he is the love of my life (and it seems to be the same on his side) and I am so grateful he came along.  Thank you so much for your part in our happy family!
Happy 4th and summer!
Eileen and Pippin