Animal Success Stories
Please visit our Success Stories page to read all of our stories!

CODY’s Story  

John and I moved to Colorado Springs in 2014 with our Nebraska rescue collie, Missy.  She was getting a bit older, almost eight when we got here, and we’d always wanted a companion for her. We investigated online and found Rocky Mountain Collie-Sheltie Rescue. We rescued Stormy in 2015 near the end of her life; sadly we only had her for 25 days.  In 2016, we rescued Jake, who lit up our lives for a year and a half. We were planning to take a break for a year or two since loosing these dogs is not easy. BUT, in March of this year, John sent me a link showing a handsome older collie and his story, (we had decided NOT to look on the site) and just a few weeks later, April 23, 2018, we adopted and took home our third senior collie rescue, Cody.  We had met him in person at the foster home of Tom and Andrea, two to three times prior, and fell in love with him immediately.  He is not only handsome, but he is quite the gentleman.  


He LOVES our morning walks and can’t wait to alert all the neighbors who have dogs, (yes, he already has them all staked out) that he is there and they should come out to see him.


Just when we thought he would be the master rule follower, picture 1:30 in the morning when I came out of our bedroom to see this senior (10.5 years old) snoozing on the ‘people’ couch, (we actually have a ‘dog’ couch), head on the pillow and everything.  He looked up at me as if to say, “is there a problem?”  Well, I couldn’t bring myself to make him get off, he was just too cute up there, and relaxed.  We solved the ‘people’ couch problem with a bigger dog bed that he now LOVES!  


His morning routine is pretty set.  He sleeps at the foot of our bed on the floor, waits for us to rise, follows us to the kitchen for breakfast, runs with the neighbor dogs along our northern fence, and then snoozes on the back porch on the mat or in the cool grass. SIDE NOTE: Our morning routine was interrupted recently, (and hopefully only once as we have now learned our lesson), by the sound of happy 5 AM barking outside.  Upon investigation, we discovered Cody jumping and playing in the spray of our sprinkler system that we had set for the summer just days before.  He was jumping from head to head trying to catch the water by chomping on each one as he went around the yard.  I’d never seen a dog having so much fun.  Nearly four towels later, we got him dried off and he, again, looked up at us as if to say, “is there a problem?”  Such a cutie.  Of course we didn’t get upset, we just have our alarms set now for ‘bright and early’ so we can block off the dog door for the 20 minute duration of the sprinkler rotation.


It’s only been a bit over a month but we hope for and look forward to many more adventures with our Code-ster Boy (nick-name).


We thank Tom and Andrea for taking such good care of him while in their home, and RMCSR for taking in these wonderful creatures so that they can find their way into our hearts and homes.  Collies/shelties are incredible dogs!


John and Diane