Animal Success Stories
Please visit our Success Stories page to read all of our stories!

Buddy, (aka Liberty), has adjusted very well in the almost 9 months since he joined my pack. He has clearly attached himself to me and follows me from room to room. Buddy is not only a gentle and loving soul, he is also a watchful protector, nosing all doors to any room where someone might be staying. This becomes super entertaining when someone is in the bathroom.

Buddy goes with me whenever possible. He is an excellent travel companion and readily obeys directions. Following my senior Lab’s lead he has begun playing ball and carrying sticks. He is even playing fetch now! Buddy is so graceful, even while at play. To see him prance is truly stunning.

There is a hill at a nearby park that Buddy likes to roll down. Always starting head first, ending on his back, it is part of Buddy’s daily routine, even if it is raining or snowing. I even saw my Lab trying to get her old body to roll down the hill just like her friend Buddy.

He still goes to our soccer games and everyone knows him. This morning, one of the referees asked to pet him and gave him some love before the game. Even my 18 month old Ragdoll cat adores Buddy. He is so gentle that he allows the cat to walk under him, rub against his mane, and stare at him while he is eating.

At the beginning of January, I had to make the very difficult decision to end the suffering of my beloved Chesapeake Bay Retriever. A few days prior I had Buddy stay with my boyfriend to give me time to say good-bye to my dear friend. During this time Buddy was showered with love and affection, and has since become extremely close with boyfriend.

The day the vet came to my house I made sure Buddy was there with me. Although he was somewhat distant with my Chesapeake, his presence did appear to provide comfort to my grieving 13 year old Lab.

Last Monday we had to deal with yet another heartbreaking loss when my dear senior Lab left us. Buddy stayed next to her the night before, and all morning, until she took her last breath. He seemed bewildered for nearly 2 days following this terribly painful loss. Despite all the love and attention we were giving him he was somber and low energy. He finally came around and has returned to his playful and happy self.

After a recent soccer game, several of my closest friends held a memorial service at the creek in the park near my house for both the Chesapeake and the Lab. We all threw sticks in the water and shared some of our favorite memories. Buddy was in the water in seconds. This was the first time I saw him that comfortable in any water. It was as though he did it in their honor!

Buddy has been on vacation in the mountains, taken several hikes, attends our soccer matches, and had numerous visits to friends. My roommate, who was never a dog person, adores Buddy and asks to take him to the park whenever she is off work. She returns telling me stories about how everyone compliments him and how good he is on leash.

Last summer there was something about Buddy that spoke to me. I could not explain it but that feeling was quite strong. I felt he had a purpose larger than I could imagine. After going through such huge losses in just 3 short months, Buddy had not only been there for me, but he was there for the pack too. I am there for him as well. We have bonded. We are family. And I can’t tell you how much we ALL adore him! He is a perfect fit for us All!